Here is the original pic posted of April Rose on the day she was "born." This is the last pic I can post because there were no others posted on April's page. If there is any doubt left I hope I can change that! If you were all followers of her blog you saw this pic posted last night.
I posted it just now because I didn't have it myself. Somebody was kind enough to email it to me.
ReplyDeleteWhat was the weight supposed to be? That "baby" looks very meaty.
ReplyDeleteI really can't tell you how happy i am that you have exposed this, and you sure don;t seem like one of those who are just out to hurt others in the "blog world". i heard that from many others that people do that! so thank you again and God Bless!
ReplyDelete4lbs 8oz
ReplyDeleteLooks more like my 10 pounder.
ReplyDeletehmm i thought i read she was 5 lb something ounces
ReplyDeleteNo they said she was 4lb 8oz
ReplyDelete4lbs 8oz and 18"
ReplyDeleteHi Nobody. I first heard of you after "d" posted that last post. I was still a believer and was so upset for them at all the criticism they were getting (although I was confused as to why they would be reading hate emails while spending precious moments with their baby). So, I clicked on the comments to post something or see if anyone else had said something. All I saw was a post from you saying something about this being a scam. I clicked on your profile and found this blog. Now, of course, that comment is gone. What I'm wondering is how that comment was allowed to be posted to begin with? Don't they usually screen their comments? Just curious. And super sad. I even had my husband following the updates yesterday.
ReplyDeleteOh, and they said the baby was 4 pounds 8 oz.
ReplyDeleteThan you. I knew I would get a lot of back lash for this, but I had to get the truth out there. People were leaving them such heartfelt messages my heart broke when I read them. I just don't want to see people hurt and lied to anymore.
Bekah, I saw that comment posted too! I was quite surprised. I think they accepted it by accident.
ReplyDeletethats how i got to this blog also! i was shocked that they excepted that comment too. But boy am I glad i found it!! :)
ReplyDeleteMaybe they let Nobody slip thru the crack on purpose.
ReplyDeleteI don't see why. If that were the case I sent other comments that would have been much better to let go through. It was also around the time they were deleting and changing things. Could the filter have been down for a minute or two?
ReplyDeleteInteresting that the shirt company you said you contacted in that infamous comment is Ryan's company.
ReplyDeletemaybe so they wouldn't have to come "clean". Just my thinking though.
ReplyDeleteWell I wouldn't doubt it now that you mention it. It would be a much easier way out!
ReplyDeleteHey, last night when I was still a "believer" I posted a comment and it gave me the "will be posted once reviewed" message. It went through immediately though. I thought that was wierd. I found this site through the blogfrog discussion. I am still reeling from all this. I have been reading aprils blog for months now, and following her on twitter. I always sensed something was "off"!
ReplyDelete"b" twitter
The hair in this picture looks SO real. Does the hair on the doll you have look this real? Thanks.
ReplyDeletePlease before anybody passes any judgement on Ryan and Raechel lets wait a while to see what happens. They DID lose a daughter to trisomy. Give them time to register all of this. I bought a shirt and i REALLY don't feel like Ryan knew they were scams. They were just looking to help someone else out with the same defect that there daughter had.
ReplyDeleteI would like to think so since I mad her myself. It looks a bit blunt in the pics, but that was before I was finished. You can see my photobucket album here http://s361.photobucket.com/albums/oo53/elikless/
ReplyDeleteThe "I am still blogging" thing she would post on twitter would get on my nerves and I always thought it was strange. I really think this has gone on way too long, and the sad thing is we may never get to the bottom of it! :(
ReplyDeleteI do not think they knew any thing they were just very kind hearted well meaning people who saw some no suffering as they did. I am truly sorry for both of them this has to be very hard for them to deal with.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Ryan and Raechel knew anything either. No judgement on them from me.
ReplyDeleteAs for this pic. I think it was taken from an ebay auction of a reborn. I know I have seen that onsie and blanket before.
ReplyDeleteand yes Ryan and Rachel seem like nice people. I am not passing any judgment on them either. This is a subject very close to their hearts.
ReplyDeleteI really feel that Rachael & Ryan are innocent in this. I found Rachael's site earlier today, and read all the "B" related posts. Seems they were old friends. In 2008 Rachael and Ryan lost a baby daughter to a trisomy disorder (don't remember which one). B stepped up as a friend and was very supportive to Rachael as she dealt with this loss. Then just a short time later (6 months?), turns out B is pregnant and then her baby is diagnosed with Trisomy 13, and is due just a year after Rachael's baby's due date. And now Rachael has been able to support her friend. This included Ryan designing the t-shirt for her. Now, as you know, Rachael's site has be renamed and all the "b" related posts removed, except one that mentioned her at the end of a long unrelated post.
ReplyDeleteThis has to be so upsetting for them. I don't blame them for not wanting to be involved in this discussion.
I really feel they are not scamming anyone. But I believed in B too... :(
The "unfailing_love" twitter account isn't down....it's just that no one is tweeting and the picture of Rebecca with her April Rose bracelet and fuchsia shirt has be taken off. I am surprised the April blog even comes up. You would think they would just make their blog invite only or something.
ReplyDeleteThe person that bought the puppy from Rebecca has made her blog private. Wow, when the going gets tough all of these folks seem to shut down completely. I wish they knew that doing that makes more skeptics and skeptics even more skeptical.
ReplyDeleteHow sad to think that all these people might have known about this lie. I just can't fathom that thought!
ReplyDeletePlease check out the blog I put up today out of total outrage for this story. I linked to your blog for a more detailed review of the pictures - I hope that's okay - if it's not, let me know and I'll take it down.
ReplyDeleteThat is fine. This story needs to be exposed.
ReplyDeleteB was looking for someone to take her pup on twitter and they saw her belly and they mentioned that she looked the same as the pic she posted for a half hour that one day. . So I don't know why she would lie. Also in one ofher posts she mentioned people coming up to her in panera. I really want to think it's real as so do many of you. It's horrible that it has to come down to something like this. Plus babies with tri 13 have facial deformities but the ones that have partial tri 13 look like normal baby. I don't know if she knew ahead of time If April was full or partial.
ReplyDeleteShe said the April had Full T13
ReplyDeleteEveryone makes great points, we all want it to be real. Really! But some things (not all) don't add up. I just wish these people would stand up for what they feel is real. They just ran away, everyone skipped out on this. It makes the followers feel totally betrayed.
ReplyDeleteWhen i first read this story the followers is why i was so outraged!! The fact that people even children, some that have gone through this, was offering support to a "fake baby" Made me sick!!! Not the followers but the fact that "B" is putting them through this. Its horrific!! I pray for all the followers and all the people that have gone through this for real.
ReplyDeleteI also thank everyone for putting up these blogs exposing them because i was at a total loss for what to do!!
All this has effected continues to be in my prayers!!!
am still checking for updates hoping there will be something! How sad of me but I was rooting for this little one I even sent a picture of my pink cheeked rainbow baby for hoping in pink!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you guys were duped!!!! It really makes me angry!! I was so upset my fiance had to get me off the computer and hold me!! People get scammed everyday but this type of thing just takes the cake. kwim? I really want justice for all the loyal followers. But then again maybe its easier to believe it was true and you didnt waste your time on this scammer.
ReplyDeleteI was scammed...I fell for the story hook line and sinker. True...they never came right out and asked for money or donations but by putting the address out there they were fishing for them and I fell for it. A young couple....huge medical bills, not knowing if they would get to hold April Rose while she was still alive. I bought into it. I'll admit to all of you that I was stupid and fell for it and sent them a card with a few dollars. I didnt send much but I still feel ripped off and angry. Part me hopes there is an explanation for all of this and wants to believe everyone is good but in my gut I don't think that it the case here. For the companies who are associated with the site now I hope they pull their advertising soon because I am turned off to them right now too because of all of this.
ReplyDeleteI am sending you an email with some new info :)
ReplyDeleteWhat more new info could there possibly be?
ReplyDeleteI will pass it along. I think people are trying to keep other innocent people protected.
ReplyDeleteI was scammed too. I looked up 'Avery reborn doll' on google and got the same exact pictures that she posted. I've been following this blog for MONTHS! I can't believe I ever shed tears of sadness for her.
ReplyDeleteAt least it will not go on any longer. Ashley, don't feel bad for being a decent caring person.
ReplyDeletewhat is the new info? I , like everyone else, believed until this morning. This is just so sick. I wonder if they'll ever post again?
ReplyDeleteNobody, are you saying it won't go on any longer because they now know, we all know or is there more to this. Just hoping for answers.
ReplyDeleteI meant that hopefully they will stop with the lying. I am going grocery shopping now. I will be back soon. I was given some info, but I think I should research before I post. I don't want to accuse the wrong person. I was just given a name of a person that might in fact be "B" I will be back shortly.
ReplyDeletemaybe "B" is april rose... the maxim model! they sure have the same hair! probably not but geeze, you never know!
ReplyDeletei'm sticking with they knew people would fall in love with the story and start sending money for medical bills after the birth. scam scam scam, and scum!
plus who comes up with an elaborate blog header & buttons on their first post when they "thought no one would read" & "couldn't believe how many posts" she had the first day! ekk. makes me sick!
and it's alos weird that the rufflebutts girl said the chick was rebecca but someone also said "B"s flickr said brianne or something. i'll still buy some ruffle panties for my little girl... when i have one! :)
Nobody/Elizabeth -
ReplyDeleteI want to apologize for my comments earlier. I was very upset just at the thought that there was even a possibility that this story was not true. I have followed "B"'s blog for months. I have cried with her. I have rejoiced with her. I have prayed for her, "D", and "April Rose" for MONTHS. I was very angry earlier and I apologize that I somewhat took it out on you. You have done nothing wrong in trying to get the truth out. Thank you for exposing this. If I hadn't found this blog, I would still be wondering what was going on. This is just so upsetting for all of us. Please forgive me.
I think you are confused, Brianne was the one who said the flikr account said Beccah.
"B's" photobucket account was also in the name Beccah. I think the rufflebutts lady and Rachelle were both conned.
I agree those panties are super cute :)
Yeah ruffle butt and Raechel were conned and all ads are down from the blog but ruffle butt. They are so cute!! I want one for my son but think my Husband would oppose!!
ReplyDeletePeople, there is probably no Rachael, no Ryan, no Kelli, no B, no D, no April Rose. It is all part of an elaborate money making scheme. True, they didn't ask for any money, but every single time someone clicks on the blog, two cents are made. I had a friend who had advertising on his blog and he asked me to check it out at least once a week so he could make some money. If the April Rose blog indeed had 900,000 hits in the past few months, someone has now $18,000 - so don't think this is just a lie gone wrong. It was a very well orchestrated scam. The perpetrator preyed on the vulnerable hearts of those who believe God will perform a miracle. An $18,000 miracle.
ReplyDeleteEven still, with a blank blog, all the "refreshing" of the blog to see if they will write an explanation is making them tons of cash!!!!!! BELIEVE ME, IT IS A FAKE STORY
There is a Raechel she lost her daughter!! She was a victim not a con!!
ReplyDeleteI truly believe Raechel was an innocent victim. As far as I know, she had never met "B" in person...
ReplyDeleteI also thought because of the ads it was for money. I thought it was weird to have them way up top and I thought that that might be why they let the comment that lead to this blog slip out so it sparked interest and people would visit Aprils site so they could get more money before they had to end it!
ReplyDeletegood point melissa!
ReplyDeletei am on board with jennifer and melissa, raechel is a VICTIM!!!
ReplyDeleteI hate to think that way but any parent with a dieing child dose not pull their whole blog There child's whole life but then leave all the ads up.
ReplyDeleteyeah and he said they'd leave it up for "updates" so people would keep checking...hmmmmmmmmm
ReplyDeleteWOW I haven't seen a update just more stuff disappearing?
ReplyDeleteOK, ignore the Rachael isn't real part and read the rest of what I said...$18,000 is a heck of a lot of money for a "tear jerker story"...she wouldn't make that much by selling her story to a publisher. IT IS A COMPLETE SCAM, ONLY INVENTED TO MAKE SOME MONEY. Think about it...for a normal person to make $180000 - which by now is probably $20,000.00, it would take almost a full year of working 9-5 Monday to Friday. Why do you think she kept twittering "Im still blogging"....its so people would keep refreshing the blog...hence two more pennies in her pocket. WE WERE SCAMMED, PLAIN AND SIMPLE
ReplyDeleteI totally agree Kimberly.
ReplyDeleteCan you please make a post of my comment or something along the same lines. People NEED to understand the money making world of blogging.
how does that work? like how did they set something like that up? does that mean all the blogs we read has this? i don't have a blog and i have no idea how this stuff works?
ReplyDeleteThank you. No hard feeling here. I understand your anger. This whole story is so sad! People deserve answers!
ReplyDeleteI would be glad to post your info. I am blog dumb though. Could you tell me how this would work. I mean them making money pert. Sorry I don't know ho w it works exactly.
ReplyDeleteIt is like any advertising. TV, print, online...an advertiser pays the form of communication a certain amount per ad. In the case of blogs, it is usually per hit. There is a blogger who was featured on Oprah a couple of months ago and she told how she AND her husband have quit their jobs to be full time bloggers. The only way a blogger makes money from their blog is by posting advertisements. Saying this, I am not saying ALL blogs are scams but as in every other part of life, BEWARE.
what is this new info?
ReplyDeletehi shannon (hehe I'm checking too)
ReplyDeleteThe header on the blog led to a photobucket that was listed to a Becca. Maybe Becca is "B" Anyway the page can no longer be viewed. I am working on it.
ReplyDeletecheck out gibsontwins.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody know how to contact the puppy buyer? If I showed her a pic of this Beccah she would be able to say if it was her or not. Unless of course she is a scammer too!
ReplyDeletethe puppy buyer commented on rachael's blog- on rachael's most recent post. try to contact her that way!
ReplyDeleteThat is the exact info! I didn't want to post it in case it was the wrong person.
ReplyDeletedoes anyone have the picture that "b" posted of "herself" temporarily after her photo shoot with NILMDTS? someone should contact them and see if they did infact send someone out. or go sit by the PO box if you live near and see who the heck checks it ;) haha
ReplyDeleteTo find out more on how to have your blog make money for you, just google, "make money from your blog" and all kinds of categories come up. As I said before, this SCAM was very well orchestrated from the beginning. She got us blog readers where it was the easiest. Pregnant, single, spurned by so-called Christians, her family abandoned her, the sex that created the baby was just a moment of passion, the sick unborn child, the doctors telling her to abort. We, as Christians, wanted to believe it was true.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis was more then likely artistic expression then!! No wonder she know so much about the bible!!
ReplyDeleteRachael just twittered that she spoke to B this afternoon...but didn't include an update?? ughhh. this whole thing is crazy.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Rachael IS in on it after all?
ReplyDeleteCOME ON YOU GUYS, this is not Days Of Our Lives or As The World Turns. Quit trying to play detective and take my word for it. SCAM SCAM SCAM...The same type of people that send emails saying you have money waiting for you from a relative in Africa....This is a rehearsed scam. There is no Beccah, Rebecca, Dan, April, Rachael, or any of them. Its all about the money.
ReplyDeleteTaken from her site just now..I still dont believe her though..
ReplyDelete9:36pm update
I know you all are so concerned about April and anxious to hear how she is doing. I'm so sorry there have been no updates for so long. I have stepped back to allow D to protect his family as he has chosen to. I want to respect that. There have also been no updates because the focus has shifted from the blog to what is going on with April right now. As it should.
Posts have been removed and photos taken down. It may be brash, but there is not the luxury of time to think through how to respond to things. Their focus is not on what is swirling around on the internet. Their attention is on their daughter.
I am hundreds of miles away from B & D and April right now, so have been just as anxious to hear an update as all of you.
I just spoke with B on the phone. She and April (and D) are at the hospital right now. April's health was beginning to decline, and B was not feeling well either, so together with the midwife they made the call and took a short ambulance ride to the nearby hospital.
The doctors at the hospital are running some tests on April right now. B did not know the details of what tests (they were in separate areas at the time, plus it was really noisy and hard to understand everything), but she knows they are doing some blood work to begin with.
So, the good news is, April Rose is alive right now! And, she and B are both continuing to receive excellent care. We can pray for wisdom for the doctors and for D & B. We can pray that they will return home tonight with their baby in tow (I wonder if the hospital supplies car seats in these situations???).
We can pray for the God of Truth to reign in this situation and for what is true to be brought to light. We do not look to the left or to the right for what is true, but to the Creator of Life. God is not a God of confusion.
I will continue to update as B asks me to. I have told her about all of the wonderful encouragement you all are sending her way. She is grateful for that, so thank you.
You know what? As a mom of several children with special needs, I don't believe that blogging would be the priority when your child is being born/dying. That's utter b.s.
ReplyDeleteThey say they can't deal with the hatred on their blog & in their email right now... tell me, WHY ARE THEY EVEN ONLINE if they truly have a child who is in the process of dying?
Sorry, but I don't believe it. If your child is dying, updating your blog or reading your emails is the least of your concern. THAT is why, when a child is genuinely critically ill, people worry when they don't hear anything for a day or two ~ you think the worst because you logically know that if the child took a turn for the worst, the parents aren't going to care about blogging immediately. Yet "B" and "D" were making sure that "Kelli" was getting information to Raechel immediately? Totally suspicious.
Also, it makes no sense to say that the parents' attention is on the baby when they've been pulling crap off the blog left & right all day long. Again, if my child was dying and suddenly the blogging community decided I was full of crap and were leaving nasty messages to me on my blog, I wouldn't know about it because I wouldn't be reading my blog while my child was dying AND none of my friends would be bothering me with such trivial nonsense at such a critical time.
Too much b.s. here to believe any of this. It's a scam. I'm sure of it.
I still say hmmmmm, neither of their parents are there to support them? Come on...they don't care that their daughter and their son have a child that is dying? No siblings??? I just became an auntie for the 10th time this weekend and I couldn't wait to go see my precious little nephew, if he was only to be here on this earth for a few hours, I wouldn't leave their side. This whole thing is making me sick that people are still believing it. I need to step back and stop reading this stuff...it is just encouraging them and every click makes them more money!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm new to this whole story, only learning of the incident late last night via twitter. OF course couriosity got the best of me and I spent many hours reading around.
ReplyDeleteI only have one thought on this whole thing:
I have 4 children, 3 of them weighed under 6lbs, the smallest weighing 4lbs 4.6oz. THERE IS NO WAY that is supposed to be a 4lb 8oz baby. I can show what a 4lb 8oz baby looks like and thats NOT even close. TOO much chub.
I'm a little confused- I read somewhere that she used a picture of a doll- is that what we're looking at here? Are both of these pictures of a doll- one supposedly being April and the other being the doll that belongs to the author of this blog? This is incredibly interesting, as well as incredibly sad! I had her blog button on my blog for 2 days and prayed for her- now I'd like to know the truth!
ReplyDeleteChanne I'm sorry but that hair doesn't look real at all. It looks just like the hair used on "reborn" dolls. Also that baby doesn't have eyebrows. AND babies aren't born with Green eyes they're bodies can't make the pigment yet needed to have green eyes.