WOW! I am rather late to chime in on "inHIStightgrip"...but WHOA! At first i thought it was just an "attention" thing , but CLEARLY "B" was trying to create a lot of traffic for her blog , which in esscence equates to a lot of $$. she approached hundreds of bloggers (mommies of ailing children , or of babies passed) and directed them right to her blog. she called herself "Sarah" many times....i wonder whose identity she was stealing for this character???
I have talked to Dave. He is just as confused as the rest of us. He does or did know Beccah, personally of course, but has not been in touch with her (personally) recently. Trust that he is trying to figure out what is going on, but feels a strong connection to Beccah and wants for none of this to be true. He needs time for all of this to sink in. I am still typing............
I have spoken personally with Angie over the phone and they are trying to sort out details as well. Do you really think that Beccah is just going to come clean all of a sudden? why would they know everything right away? Trust me. They don't. Still typing.......
Racheal and Ryan have a family and they are trying to put their own lives back together right now. They are exhausted. Beccah's maternity pics are actually real pics. Her photographer has been contacted and they are real and they are her. However, it was stated that the photographer never actually saw her bare belly. still typing.......
Not only was she using inhistightgrip but she was also using mamarebekaah (spelled JUST like that) google that name and you will see that she posted on a lot of blogs asking for prayer for her friend who was single and pregnant and put her website for them to link to. she thought she had it ALL figured out!!!!
Beccah has been through several traumatic experiences in her life that have made her a very unstable person. Please don't ask me to post the details because I can not do that. I am in no way excusing her! She needs help and she needs to be held accountable for what she has done.
I was kinda shocked to read that the check for the t-shirts was for $50? I remember reading on the April Rose blog that they posted they had sold out and had to order more t-shirts?
Many people have stated they bought t-shirts and we the volumne of traffic to that blog, which was over 1,000,000 I would think that many t-shirts were sold.
Also did Rachel ever speak to D? or Kelli? These are just questions that I have and I'm sure others are wondering also.
Also no one was attacking Mck or Angie...this all came up because of the way they handled the sitution in their response to the fraud. Come on you promoted it so I felt, along with many others like they should have been more honest with what they found out. I understand they would like for this to all go away but they brought it to the table and involved most of us in this.
Lets hope that people will look more closely at what they are believing and I also hope that many REAL moms and babies who need our prayers will not be forgotten because of the GREED of someone else!
Does anyone know where she is and if anyone is with her. I hate to think what might be going through her mind. Its awful what she did, but I have to admit, I hope she isn't alone in the world right now.
Please do not post anything about Beccah's personal tragedies. I know that it may be known or that you may think you know, but I do not want to exploit anybody's tragic experience. That would defeat my purpose.
Sarah, your comments is very disturbing to me. If she is indeed pregnant....all the more reason for this to be pursued and authorities involved. How horrible for her to have a healthy baby only for it to become sick for her to receive attention. I believe this matter is very serious for so many different reasons......if that alone is not enough, possible mail fraud, charity fraud, do people that ordered the shirts really want them now? Are they given an option to return them? So many things outside of the scope of just the "personal", which is horrible in its own right.
thats some serious speculation Sharon..I think maybe you should delete that comment. B is a real person..she is not some fictitious person. We can talk about the facts, but we really shouldn't speculate about the possibility of her being raped. I just don't think thats cool.
just a thought, why would someone believe that there were past tragedies in her life unless they have definitive proof? She obliviously has a narcisstic side / attention seeking behavior going on...
OK , without giving out "too much information" or whatever , is there ANYTHING that is pointing to WHY she did this?...for money , for attention....some "fatal attraction" interest in Raechel?
does anyone know if there is an actual investigation by any official source going on? I saw on the troll blog it had a link with this story to the FBI - internet fraud div and also to the Lockport IL PD ??
there are peronality disorders that go hand-in-hand with a person creating "traumatic events" in order to get attention. I don't mean this to sound cruel , but perhaps some of these "traumatic events" that she has been through in her life were just another lie , like the lies she has been telling here. It is a pattern. In either case , she is a remarkably disturbed woman. she needs some hardcore help , and prayer.
This is my first time commenting here, but I've been reading along with the rest of you as I was upset to find out it was all fake. I went through a similar heartbreaking story with another faker about 8 years ago. It was my first exposure to this kind of thing and since then I've been more guarded and hesitant.
I was one of those who had reservations about "B" from the beginning, but I never spoke up. I always thought the blog was too professional right from the start. As soon as she posted the pics of the "baby", I knew they were fake. I've seen 4lb preemie babies before and they do not look like that.
Also, I reached out to her as another single christian girl living in Illinois. I'm also a social worker (just finished grad school), so I offered to help, but she was very wierd in her correspondence with me.
I think Beccah is a hurting person who needs mental help but she also needs to be held accountable for her actions. If for no other reason that to hopefully deter her from pulii I worry about her if she really is pregnant because she could very well harm a healthy baby for attention.
I think this a good life lesson for all of us Christians to learn. God has given us the gift of discernment for a reason and we need to use it, especially in these days where anyone can pretend to be anything.
Is it possible that maybe in her past she experienced either a pregnancy loss/poor fetal diagnosis and possibly had little to no support for whatever reason... I personally had no idea the support people would receive/offer/give through the blog world until I started following several of them faithfully and realized how attached and involved you become... Maybe she felt like she wished that she would have had that kind of support/love/prayers during her previous loss/event and in some way relived it currently as some kind of therapy. Kind of like support now for an event in her past when she was unsupported.
It doesn't make it right regardless. My heart just goes out to her. It kind of shows us how one little lie kind of builds upon itself and how she had to keep it going.
I haven't been active in the discussion today, but was at the beginning and have continued to follow. Is anyone else frustrated by the fact that the very people who came to this site to share information (things they googled, etc.) to lead to the truth are being left in the dark? I don't think MckMama and Angie knew enough to warrant a "press release" before talking with Raechel. Now I think they do, but I'd rather hear from the person we all heard from: Raechel.
This blog provided the trifecta bloggers with information that lead them to their conclusion that the story was fake. I feel used twice. By B and they-who-will-be-defended-no-matter-what.
Has anyone wondered what she thought would happen after the "baby" was born? She had to know that we would all be concerned about "April Rose" after birth and what not. She had to know she would be caught red handed. Sorry if this has already been discussed.
Nobody> right...and it's not really all that important for us to know this either. i mean , real life trauma or mentally unhinged , she is not well. she is in great need. it's very sad...very , very sad.
I'm sorry but I don't buy the tragic past/ emotional damage excuse. It doesn't explain deceptive behavior to this degree. As a psych nurse who works in a mental health facility/ crisis center (which would be a great place for Beccah to go right now - they exist all over the country!) A personality disorder seems more of an explanation - I am not making any diagnosis, just trying to figure out possible reasons for such behavior...
I would also like to know that SOMEONE who knows this woman would intervene and get her help!
I honestly think that Raechel and Ryan were scammed along with all of us. Because of Raechel's very personal involvement, I think it would be good for her to come out with her own statement and address some of the major concerns specifically.
As a social worker who has worked with mentally ill patients, I agree with you. She may have had tragic things happen in her life, but her behavior and the grand scheme of her con fits the definition of personality disorder.
I would like to hear more details from R and R for one reason...we could ALL learn how to recognize scams.
I would love to see a post about the 10 Red Flags they saw, now that their sight is 20/20.
I'm still struggling how she provided the 9:36 pm was so obvious once you saw the doll picture. And, the strip of photos was downright ridiculous. They weren't even the same baby.
These scams have gone on for some time and will only get bigger and more complex. Blogging is beginning to take on a life of its' own.
I think Beccah would like those involved she has had a bad past and all that. Maybe she has. But this scam was the work of a skilled, highly intelegent con artist. Or in my opinion con artists. This had to have more than one person involved. As far as R and R being involved, I really want to believe they were not and I know you whole heartedly believe them Nobody, but I have doubts. My feelings are not based on any one thing, but just on intuition. Sometimes it's not what you say but the way you say it. I know you have spoke to Ryan, and maybe that is why you are so convinced while some of us here remain skeptic. I don't know...
I'm a blogtard ... i think i will be choosing to remain one. the blog world is freaking me OWWWT! All these "big wig bloggers"..."million hits a blog"....this stuff is WAY over my head. I'm just gonna stick with facebook , and keep my tight little circle of close knit friends
Sarah, by 9:36pm, it was VERY clear that B was a scam, that the baby was a doll, all of this had been proven. NO ONE in their right mind, even a supposed friend, would have published the update that she did. At the very least, they would have reserved judgment.
I'm going to go with narcissistic sociopath. She is absolutely the type of person that would befriend a pregnant woman only to murder her and steal her baby. While I am not pregnant now, that is exactly why I am not posting with my blog address included. She absolutely is stalking this blog and there is always that chance that she'll commit such an act in order to prove everyone wrong.
All this to say, yes, this woman has had a hard life but never forget this woman is also a mentally ill criminal, and must be treated as such. She may not be a "dangerous" criminal as of yet, but everyone starts somewhere. In my opinion, a woman who would readily take advantage of grieving women is capable of anything and, absolutely, a sociopath. Her incessant self-marketing and fake profiles after the fact are proof enough to me that she is also a narcissist.
I am afraid of this woman and I am of the opinion that most of us, as mothers, should be.
as someone who gave $ and bought a shirt, I, too would like an explanation on the 9:36 post, the changed birth time, if R spoke to D and Kelli, or what...
Tweeted from Raechel: RT @angelac519: for all of you who feel burned, i totally understand-but this is between beccah and the Lord, and we need to leave it there.
I think the 9:36 update is supspicious because by then it was pretty clear by then that the pictures were fake and something was not right with the whole story.
Could it have possible been "B" posting at Raechel?
It was weird Amy, and the fact she said she was speaking to her on the phone. I just feel there is more to the story there. I'll admit I read some of the large follower blogs, a couple that have been mentioned, and even Dooce (awesome). I think some are great, funny, and worth my time. Some I just read out of habit, because at one time I added them to my reader. Sometimes some of them just sound do fake to me, but I just click off. Not that this paragraph has anything to do with Beccah, but since its been brought up, I thought I would comment.
I didn't realize that these blogs were here during the 9:36 post..I knew there were accusations but I hadn't researched them. Maybe Raechel knew of the accusations..but needed to post it until she KNEW what was really going on. The tone of the 9:36 post was MUCH much different then the rest of the updates. It was obvious the enthusiasm was gone. Maybe she was just biding her time until she knew what was up for sure.
I wish that raechel would of been more clearer but as much as we want the truth we may never get it. Well i'm going to work I'll check this when I'm at home.
If you look at R's twitters from that night she had asked Angie is she could meet up with her for coffee at Starbucks where she was meeting her editor. She then called B and then posted the update.
Sarah -- That's exactly what I was thinking about the 9:36 update. I know that I gave B the benefit of the doubt in the beginning and maybe Raechel was just trying to sort things out at that time.
Gina -- I doubt it. Raechel talked about B on her blog and was obviously in contact with her or she would have said something a long time ago. Or do you mean maybe it wasn't her posting just during the birth?
From what I understand on the 9:36 update, from reading back - Raechel knew that something was weird, but wanted to give Beccah the benefit of the doubt. When she "called her" i think as a friend she was trying to maintain neutral until she had more evidence.
OK. what I meant was I want to be sure that all that I post is true. And yes. Be sure that Beccah is among us! I am not saying that she is anybody specific, but she is here for sure!
I tweeted to Raechel, i will copy and paste what I tweeted to her: leahrichelle02@giftofbreath so you don't believe that the people who donated her money, bought a shirt in her honor, and prayed for her deserve more?
leahrichelle02@giftofbreath I believe the are owed way more of an explanation...if you have more information that is...
As callous as it sounds, although I'm not the first to say it, Beccah's past "tragedies" could very well be past lies and tales she has spun. People tend to use this kind of manipulative and attention-seeking behavior on family and friends (as they are the most trusting and likely to believe) long before they are eventually caught in their lies and alienate themselves from those who trusted them. Then when they have no one left, they move on to others with bigger and bolder stories.
Either way, it doesn't matter. While any real tragedy may have led her to being the way she is (disturbed), I can say from experience that to a certain extent continuing to be a victim is a choice.
To the degree that her whole "scam" was so calculated (the posting on other sites directing them to hers, the pregnancy pictures, involving Raechel, the t-shirt sales, the doll), I'd say she's more of an opportunistic narcissist, pathological liar and master manipulator vs being just a tortured soul.
WAIT A MINUTE!!! Did Racheal post about the baby being born before she was supposedly born? I remember seeing the post on racheal's site but I didn't pay any attention to the time. Maybe she got a "call" that the baby was born and then it went up on the aprilrose site a little later. On Monday night Racheal's twitter said that she was talking to B on the phone. Then it said that she was working on an update. Then she said there was an update posted. Maybe Racheal was just playing along w/ B to see how far she was actually going to take. I am sure that Racheal had to have known something was up by Monday night at 9:36. I HOPE, HOPE, HOPE that Racheal isn't involved. I have been reading all these comments and just when I have a thought to make a comment about someone else thinks of it first.
this last paragraph, is what makes me think Raechel knew something was up.¤t=april.jpg
6turners, i noticed that but didn't put 2 and 2 together, you are right - she is following all of the people that are baby related. Surely a 19 year old college art student would be more interested in maybe pHotography or art blogs?
I spoke with Lori Pacsh this morning and she is blown away by all of this and is trying to wrap her head around the magnitude of it all. I would love for Raechel to just tell everyone how she communicated with "B". That would clear some things up. I have a high regard for Angie and knew she would take this route to address the issues. Harper's mom did a great job of explaining things down to that girl.
People say that the first birth post was timestamped at 2:40, when the "baby" was born at 2:48. They got some comments pretty quickly and the time stamp was changed (which is easy to do on blogger).
By 9:36, the doll picture was already down. Anyone and I mean ANYONE, should have been extremely suspicious by then.
I'm a casual observer of these type of blogs, so I kind of watch this stuff unfold like a reality show. And, I think to would I react?
Anything outside of a big (wide) norm, I start to consider a bit suspect.
1) Not having pictures and being anonymous is major. For that reason alone, I did not buy it.
2) I'm 100% ok with home births. Her plan for that was almost laughable.
3) The time line for the pregnancy was way too long. I went 10 days over...but not 3 weeks.
4) Concerning R&R...if it were me and I was 100% scammed, I would explain things in more detail. And, I would explain the 9:36 pm post. That would mean a lot to me.
(My Mom always told me...scammers/thiefs get caught because they get GREEDY)
I was thinking that the pic of acceber was kind of similar to the pic on the seethroughme studios site...hmm...but most of her face is covered with those glasses
I have stated all I know here in the comments. The rest I am still sorting out. I have to be sure to post things that are truthful and not just speculation.
Raechel has been posting all along.. see these comments from "B's" second post. found here
This is Google's cache of
Raechel said... re-post - sorry about the slip! I'm still learning! ;) Now you have to take your comment off and we're back in the clear! Aw, man! I wish I could have been your first comment! ;) This is great, B. I'm glad you're blogging and jealous that your blog is so cute and together. Give that baby April a tap for me! From another Mommy who knows and loves her baby girl, Raechel April 02, 2009
wonder if she knew about the scam of posting all over the web about the site...she appears amazed at soooo many comments in this response to the same post
Raechel said... Girl, these are rolling in like crazy! I can't believe it!
I'm so glad and encouraged. God is taking good care of you and baby April. You are not alone - you are in fact SURROUNDED by TONS of women who are praying and not judging. there are a few still up but they are getting deleted as soon as they are posted
I'm not sure exactly when Raechel posted the birth post on her own blog. I only saw that there were questions about the time stamp on the orginal birth post from "B"'s blog.
has raechel responded to any of you? I just have a hard time believing that Angie and Mckmama wouldn't see through Raechel if she was lying to them.....I just wish she would post how she communicated with B.
maybe this has been discussed, Beccah was listed as an instructor at an art school by Chicago - Trillium Arts Academy - teaching art classes for children. I found this on google. Also saw it on the troll website. Has this already been discussed?
I thought of another similarity that might show she was getting details from Raechel's blog and MckMama's...was she going to try and pass of April Rose as a miracle baby?? You know, the doctor's told her she wouldn't live, but by some miracle she did...kind of like what happened with Stellan? BTW, I'm not trying to down play the miracle that is Stellan, I just wanted to point out that she might have been trying that...
who is sooooo sick that they do something like this and sit on a computer somewhere and get even more satisfaction by posting to these forums. I do hope the authorites catch up with her. I think enough people have reported it.
6turners-I am with you...if that was me I would be doing a post about the truth.....not staying quiet. I hope they are speaking with someone about all of this.
I have been lurking for a couple of days now and finally feel compelled to comment. I have spent the better part of my life as a public figure and that requires a certain transperancy. Remember this is a CHOICE made by Ryan and Raechel. Unfortunately we live in a time where people assume guilty until proven innocent. Is that right, no, but it is true. Raechel and her husband lent a lot of credibility to a blog that I think a lot of us questioned in the pits of our stomachs but truely wanted to believe. I remember a blog where someone came to Beccah's deffense talking about 42 week pregnancies in Europe and due dates being off. Does anyone remember who signed that post, was it Raechel? Maybe they don't have all the answers yet but the silence is deafening! Do Ryan and Raechel "owe" us anything? I don't believe so, however the only thing you have in this world is your credibility and right now that is being questioned, for very good reason. If you don't care enough to answer the questions then I don't care either but understand I have made assumptions. As for the other 2 bloggers, I hate "Christain-ese" it is condesending, annoying and looks bad to those who are not Christians. Words like edifying, counsel of the Lord and image of God all fall into this category. You can't argue any of those words or phrases they are flowery and make you feel good without actually saying anything. Mckmama and Angie certainly don't need to say any more but it could have been done in a much more "real" tone without feeling like a press release. I have done my share of praying for Stellen and that just feels like a brush off, all Angie and Mck did was provide a link to Beccah they have said what needs to be said, not how I would have done it but it was not my decision to make. Raechel and Ryan it is up to you whether or not you clear your name, I will just say it looks really really bad. If you are talking to authorities-say that, if you are waiting on your attorney-say that, if you are still seeking answers you can say that. But the 9:30 post signed by Raechel when there were already dozens of us on this blog and gibsontwins is just fishy.
I saw a post on one of the comment threads yesterday, can't remember if it was here, or gibsons, or questions, but someone said they had the entire April Rose blog history in a word document, and she would be happy to email it to anyone. I think her post name started with k, kiana, kelsey, something like that.
I think by all of this I am learning just how scary it is how much information someone can find out about you and your family and friends so quickly on the internet. Yikes. I hope there's no scammer out there with my same name.
OMG you guys are crazy! If you go to becca's Xanga site, you can see posts from her in 2005, clearly a highschooler and there is other personal info (which I'm not going to post because posting other people's personal info on the net without their permission is JACKED UP) and NONE of it leads to her being "B". So unless she has been planning this for the past 4 years, no wait...member since 2004, so FIVE YEARS, then you all need to stop this nonsense of accusing everyone of being "B". THIS is why this keeps getting called a witch hunt.
southern-you are so right! Harpers mom posted about this and she did it in a way that was so down to earth. I really like Angie and expected her to come across the way she did.
Southern - wow ! AMEN !! Thanks for the very intelligent and well articulated comment!! Couldn't agree more - you put into words exactly my feelings on many fronts! Thanks
Very well put southern , i could not agree more. I think that i should be doing housework right , i shall tackle that , and check in later guys. And Ali , seriously...a witch hunt? I would call it a witch hunt if people were trying to track her down physically and burn her at the stake......but this???? this is just a case of people trying to figure out WHO this person is , WHY she did this , WHERE is she now and WHAT is going to be done. I'm tired of do-gooders doming on here telling people how to think , feel and act in this situation. I don't think that ANYONE here is being threatening , or cruel in ANY way. i would suggest if people aren't into reading these posts that are "speculating" or "investigating"...then go somewhere else....i mean , why the heck are you even here in the first-place?????? if it's such a "witch hunt" . then why even join it?????
woo hoo first to comment. ok that was lame.
ReplyDeleteSecond to comment! I rock. :)
ReplyDeleteI wonder if "Dave" will come back and comment on his findings!!
ReplyDeleteI spoke to Dave..I don't think he'll be back. he's just as confused as we are. honestly.
ReplyDeleteDoes he still have any contact with her? Or at least know where to find her? I'm worried about her stability.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it would be good if he knew how to find her family or something. To give them a heads up.
ReplyDeleteI'm kind of confused as to why Ryan never came back??
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure. Those questions are probably better addressed to him.
ReplyDeleteI want to believe so badly that they are not involved in this.
ReplyDeleteOK guys I can probably answer some questions here. Maybe not well, but answers none the less.
ReplyDeleteDo we need to ask them or are you working on a post? lol.
ReplyDeletehey nobody whats your email address? I would like to share something interesting with you.
ReplyDeleteLOL! I will post.
ReplyDeleteWOW! I am rather late to chime in on "inHIStightgrip"...but WHOA! At first i thought it was just an "attention" thing , but CLEARLY "B" was trying to create a lot of traffic for her blog , which in esscence equates to a lot of $$. she approached hundreds of bloggers (mommies of ailing children , or of babies passed) and directed them right to her blog.
ReplyDeleteshe called herself "Sarah" many times....i wonder whose identity she was stealing for this character???
I have talked to Dave. He is just as confused as the rest of us. He does or did know Beccah, personally of course, but has not been in touch with her (personally) recently. Trust that he is trying to figure out what is going on, but feels a strong connection to Beccah and wants for none of this to be true. He needs time for all of this to sink in.
ReplyDeleteI am still typing............
I have spoken personally with Angie over the phone and they are trying to sort out details as well. Do you really think that Beccah is just going to come clean all of a sudden? why would they know everything right away? Trust me. They don't.
ReplyDeleteStill typing.......
Racheal and Ryan have a family and they are trying to put their own lives back together right now. They are exhausted. Beccah's maternity pics are actually real pics. Her photographer has been contacted and they are real and they are her. However, it was stated that the photographer never actually saw her bare belly.
ReplyDeletestill typing.......
i just sent my email
ReplyDeleteAnd is or was Dave a pastor? I'm hoping he has access to both B and resources to get her some help in a good way.
ReplyDeleteNot only was she using inhistightgrip but she was also using mamarebekaah (spelled JUST like that) google that name and you will see that she posted on a lot of blogs asking for prayer for her friend who was single and pregnant and put her website for them to link to. she thought she had it ALL figured out!!!!
ReplyDeleteyeah a scam artist indeed.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBeccah has been through several traumatic experiences in her life that have made her a very unstable person. Please don't ask me to post the details because I can not do that. I am in no way excusing her! She needs help and she needs to be held accountable for what she has done.
ReplyDeleteI hope that is not the case, but anything is possible.
Nobody have you taked to Ryan & Rachel anymore?
ReplyDeleteI was kinda shocked to read that the check for the t-shirts was for $50? I remember reading on the April Rose blog that they posted they had sold out and had to order more t-shirts?
Many people have stated they bought t-shirts and we the volumne of traffic to that blog, which was over 1,000,000 I would think that many t-shirts were sold.
Also did Rachel ever speak to D? or Kelli? These are just questions that I have and I'm sure others are wondering also.
Also no one was attacking Mck or Angie...this all came up because of the way they handled the sitution in their response to the fraud. Come on you promoted it so I felt, along with many others like they should have been more honest with what they found out. I understand they would like for this to all go away but they brought it to the table and involved most of us in this.
Lets hope that people will look more closely at what they are believing and I also hope that many REAL moms and babies who need our prayers will not be forgotten because of the GREED of someone else!
oops deleted my comment!!
ReplyDeleteit said, "isn't it possible that she IS pregnant..just not with a sick baby?
yeah she needs help and expressing her emotions in her artwork weren't enough I guess. I pray that she will find help that she needs.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know where she is and if anyone is with her. I hate to think what might be going through her mind. Its awful what she did, but I have to admit, I hope she isn't alone in the world right now.
ReplyDeleteI have not talked to Ryan any further today. All of my communications have been with him.
ReplyDeleteNobody, is at least POSSIBLE that Raechel is duping all of us, and is making up this situation?
ReplyDeleteRaechel is a victim in all of this. she was blindsided totally
ReplyDeleteWow, I am really confused!
ReplyDeleteI really really think we need to be careful speculating about WHAT the emotional trauma is.
ReplyDeletei think that B is actually among us now
ReplyDeleteacceber - how do you know this for sure? I want to believe they are innocent and everything is telling me they are, but I also believed Beccah.
ReplyDeleteNobody...I just emailed you.
ReplyDeletePlease do not post anything about Beccah's personal tragedies. I know that it may be known or that you may think you know, but I do not want to exploit anybody's tragic experience. That would defeat my purpose.
ReplyDeleteSarah, your comments is very disturbing to me. If she is indeed pregnant....all the more reason for this to be pursued and authorities involved. How horrible for her to have a healthy baby only for it to become sick for her to receive attention. I believe this matter is very serious for so many different reasons......if that alone is not enough, possible mail fraud, charity fraud, do people that ordered the shirts really want them now? Are they given an option to return them? So many things outside of the scope of just the "personal", which is horrible in its own right.
ReplyDeleteRacheal and Ryan are innocent. Please believe that.
ReplyDeletethats some serious speculation Sharon..I think maybe you should delete that comment. B is a real person..she is not some fictitious person. We can talk about the facts, but we really shouldn't speculate about the possibility of her being raped. I just don't think thats cool.
ReplyDeleteI was getting ready to say the same thing 6turners
ReplyDeleteacceber - How do you know that so definitively?
ReplyDelete6turners, good call on acceber!! That makes it even less likely R&R are innocent.
ReplyDeleteNobody...I'm taking your word. I hope things settle down quickly for them and they can just focus on their family. What a nightmare!
ReplyDeleteI believed in that too. I thought that beccah was telling the truth. I really don't know that is my guess. I'm as fooled as you are.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI deleted the comments
ReplyDeleteThe facts are here already. Sharon, I did not start this blog to further anybody's pain. Even Beccah's!
ReplyDeletebut it isn't a fact and the only way it will be one is if Beccah herself comes on here and says it happened.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think I have reliable sources. Yes it would be great if Beccah came and outed herself, but that will not happen I'm guessing.
ReplyDeletejust a thought, why would someone believe that there were past tragedies in her life unless they have definitive proof? She obliviously has a narcisstic side / attention seeking behavior going on...
ReplyDeleteno i dont know raechel. Im 19 years old and live in chicago but I have no association with beccah or raechel.
ReplyDeleteamy - that's a very good point. Either way, she needs some serious help.
ReplyDeleteI believe Nobody has spoken to Dave. As have I. He asked for those communications to remain confidential.
ReplyDeleteI just don't see how somebody had so much time on their hands to make up so many lies??? I can't even keep up my on blog on the truth!
ReplyDeletetrue, but I have talked to people who have experienced them with her. If they are not true then she needs more help than even I thought!
ReplyDeleteNobody, thank you for creating a place where we can all put our heads together. (even if I am @ work....)
ReplyDeleteI had a feeling those prenatal pics were real. However, since the story is that she was having a small baby, her belly didn't need to be big. Perfect!
I am guessing she was pregnant before & lost the baby. But what do I know? I was someone who prayed for her.
OK , without giving out "too much information" or whatever , is there ANYTHING that is pointing to WHY she did this?...for money , for attention....some "fatal attraction" interest in Raechel?
ReplyDeletethere are things that would "explain" it yes. anytime anyone has been deeply emotionally scarred, they can exhibit behavior like this.
ReplyDeletedoes anyone know if there is an actual investigation by any official source going on? I saw on the troll blog it had a link with this story to the FBI - internet fraud div and also to the Lockport IL PD ??
ReplyDeleteamy- thats what i am trying to figure out. Mail fraud is a crime.
ReplyDeletethere are peronality disorders that go hand-in-hand with a person creating "traumatic events" in order to get attention. I don't mean this to sound cruel , but perhaps some of these "traumatic events" that she has been through in her life were just another lie , like the lies she has been telling here. It is a pattern.
ReplyDeleteIn either case , she is a remarkably disturbed woman. she needs some hardcore help , and prayer.
I have been in touch with the chicago Tribune. That is all I know.
ReplyDeleteI am only going by what I have been told by people close to her, but she could have lied to them as well.
my boyfriend works for a police dept in the area and he hasn't mentioned anything to me.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first time commenting here, but I've been reading along with the rest of you as I was upset to find out it was all fake. I went through a similar heartbreaking story with another faker about 8 years ago. It was my first exposure to this kind of thing and since then I've been more guarded and hesitant.
ReplyDeleteI was one of those who had reservations about "B" from the beginning, but I never spoke up. I always thought the blog was too professional right from the start. As soon as she posted the pics of the "baby", I knew they were fake. I've seen 4lb preemie babies before and they do not look like that.
Also, I reached out to her as another single christian girl living in Illinois. I'm also a social worker (just finished grad school), so I offered to help, but she was very wierd in her correspondence with me.
I think Beccah is a hurting person who needs mental help but she also needs to be held accountable for her actions. If for no other reason that to hopefully deter her from pulii I worry about her if she really is pregnant because she could very well harm a healthy baby for attention.
I think this a good life lesson for all of us Christians to learn. God has given us the gift of discernment for a reason and we need to use it, especially in these days where anyone can pretend to be anything.
Does anyone know where she is or if she's alone? It really scares me that we may have all had a part in someone's undoing.
ReplyDeleteIs it possible that maybe in her past she experienced either a pregnancy loss/poor fetal diagnosis and possibly had little to no support for whatever reason... I personally had no idea the support people would receive/offer/give through the blog world until I started following several of them faithfully and realized how attached and involved you become... Maybe she felt like she wished that she would have had that kind of support/love/prayers during her previous loss/event and in some way relived it currently as some kind of therapy. Kind of like support now for an event in her past when she was unsupported.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't make it right regardless. My heart just goes out to her. It kind of shows us how one little lie kind of builds upon itself and how she had to keep it going.
I haven't been active in the discussion today, but was at the beginning and have continued to follow. Is anyone else frustrated by the fact that the very people who came to this site to share information (things they googled, etc.) to lead to the truth are being left in the dark? I don't think MckMama and Angie knew enough to warrant a "press release" before talking with Raechel. Now I think they do, but I'd rather hear from the person we all heard from: Raechel.
ReplyDeleteThis blog provided the trifecta bloggers with information that lead them to their conclusion that the story was fake. I feel used twice. By B and they-who-will-be-defended-no-matter-what.
Has anyone wondered what she thought would happen after the "baby" was born? She had to know that we would all be concerned about "April Rose" after birth and what not. She had to know she would be caught red handed. Sorry if this has already been discussed.
ReplyDeleteNobody> right...and it's not really all that important for us to know this either. i mean , real life trauma or mentally unhinged , she is not well. she is in great need. it's very sad...very , very sad.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but I don't buy the tragic past/ emotional damage excuse. It doesn't explain deceptive behavior to this degree. As a psych nurse who works in a mental health facility/ crisis center (which would be a great place for Beccah to go right now - they exist all over the country!) A personality disorder seems more of an explanation - I am not making any diagnosis, just trying to figure out possible reasons for such behavior...
ReplyDeleteI would also like to know that SOMEONE who knows this woman would intervene and get her help!
I agree-
ReplyDeleteI honestly think that Raechel and Ryan were scammed along with all of us. Because of Raechel's very personal involvement, I think it would be good for her to come out with her own statement and address some of the major concerns specifically.
sarah...i do!
ReplyDeleteI am 19 for god sake and yes that is me thank you very much
ReplyDeletei am not beccah I am becca!
ReplyDeleteAs a social worker who has worked with mentally ill patients, I agree with you. She may have had tragic things happen in her life, but her behavior and the grand scheme of her con fits the definition of personality disorder.
hey I didn't say I thought you were! I was just sharing more info with those who DO think so.
ReplyDeleteoh ok thank you
ReplyDeleteI would like to hear more details from R and R for one reason...we could ALL learn how to recognize scams.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see a post about the 10 Red Flags they saw, now that their sight is 20/20.
I'm still struggling how she provided the 9:36 pm was so obvious once you saw the doll picture. And, the strip of photos was downright ridiculous. They weren't even the same baby.
These scams have gone on for some time and will only get bigger and more complex. Blogging is beginning to take on a life of its' own.
I think Beccah would like those involved she has had a bad past and all that. Maybe she has. But this scam was the work of a skilled, highly intelegent con artist. Or in my opinion con artists. This had to have more than one person involved. As far as R and R being involved, I really want to believe they were not and I know you whole heartedly believe them Nobody, but I have doubts. My feelings are not based on any one thing, but just on intuition. Sometimes it's not what you say but the way you say it. I know you have spoke to Ryan, and maybe that is why you are so convinced while some of us here remain skeptic. I don't know...
ReplyDeleteI'm a blogtard ... i think i will be choosing to remain one. the blog world is freaking me OWWWT! All these "big wig bloggers"..."million hits a blog"....this stuff is WAY over my head.
ReplyDeleteI'm just gonna stick with facebook , and keep my tight little circle of close knit friends
Yes, the 9:36 pm update is why I think Raechel is more involved than anyone knows.
ReplyDeleteNobody...are you still working on a post?
ReplyDeletewhat about the 9:36pm is so suspicious. is there something specifically?
ReplyDeleteSarah, by 9:36pm, it was VERY clear that B was a scam, that the baby was a doll, all of this had been proven. NO ONE in their right mind, even a supposed friend, would have published the update that she did. At the very least, they would have reserved judgment.
ReplyDeleteHow did she get updates? Did they talk on the phone?
ReplyDeletewhat about a 9:36 update??? I missed what this is about I guess...
ReplyDeleteI'm going to go with narcissistic sociopath. She is absolutely the type of person that would befriend a pregnant woman only to murder her and steal her baby. While I am not pregnant now, that is exactly why I am not posting with my blog address included. She absolutely is stalking this blog and there is always that chance that she'll commit such an act in order to prove everyone wrong.
ReplyDeleteAll this to say, yes, this woman has had a hard life but never forget this woman is also a mentally ill criminal, and must be treated as such. She may not be a "dangerous" criminal as of yet, but everyone starts somewhere. In my opinion, a woman who would readily take advantage of grieving women is capable of anything and, absolutely, a sociopath. Her incessant self-marketing and fake profiles after the fact are proof enough to me that she is also a narcissist.
I am afraid of this woman and I am of the opinion that most of us, as mothers, should be.
What would R&R have to gain from this? They only sold a hundred or so of those stupid t-shirts. Was Raechels blog ever attatched to AprilRoses?
ReplyDeleteas someone who gave $ and bought a shirt, I, too would like an explanation on the 9:36 post, the changed birth time, if R spoke to D and Kelli, or what...
ReplyDeleteThere is probably an explanation, but....
Tweeted from Raechel:
ReplyDeleteRT @angelac519: for all of you who feel burned, i totally understand-but this is between beccah and the Lord, and we need to leave it there.
ReplyDeleteI think the 9:36 update is supspicious because by then it was pretty clear by then that the pictures were fake and something was not right with the whole story.
Could it have possible been "B" posting at Raechel?
ReplyDeleteAll I know I have made comments about. There is more, but I do not want to speak out of turn
Oh, yes, thanks, also, why Raechel posted about the baby's birth 8 minutes before she supposedly arrived.
ReplyDeletemama> I am VERY much in agreeance with you
ReplyDeleteThat's what I thought, that B actually did the 9:36 post. She had to know that Raechel knew by then.
ReplyDeleteIt was weird Amy, and the fact she said she was speaking to her on the phone. I just feel there is more to the story there.
ReplyDeleteI'll admit I read some of the large follower blogs, a couple that have been mentioned, and even Dooce (awesome). I think some are great, funny, and worth my time. Some I just read out of habit, because at one time I added them to my reader. Sometimes some of them just sound do fake to me, but I just click off. Not that this paragraph has anything to do with Beccah, but since its been brought up, I thought I would comment.
Nobody what does that mean that you don't want to speak out of turn?
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize that these blogs were here during the 9:36 post..I knew there were accusations but I hadn't researched them. Maybe Raechel knew of the accusations..but needed to post it until she KNEW what was really going on. The tone of the 9:36 post was MUCH much different then the rest of the updates. It was obvious the enthusiasm was gone. Maybe she was just biding her time until she knew what was up for sure.
ReplyDeleteNobody are they planning on saying what they know?
ReplyDeleteI wish that raechel would of been more clearer but as much as we want the truth we may never get it. Well i'm going to work I'll check this when I'm at home.
ReplyDeleteyah , what does that mean?
ReplyDeleteSarah, fair enough, but even is she thought it MIGHT be fake, she led on hundreds if not thousands of readers further than they had to be.
ReplyDeleteIf you look at R's twitters from that night she had asked Angie is she could meet up with her for coffee at Starbucks where she was meeting her editor. She then called B and then posted the update.
ReplyDeleteSarah -- That's exactly what I was thinking about the 9:36 update. I know that I gave B the benefit of the doubt in the beginning and maybe Raechel was just trying to sort things out at that time.
ReplyDeleteGina -- I doubt it. Raechel talked about B on her blog and was obviously in contact with her or she would have said something a long time ago. Or do you mean maybe it wasn't her posting just during the birth?
ReplyDeleteFrom what I understand on the 9:36 update, from reading back - Raechel knew that something was weird, but wanted to give Beccah the benefit of the doubt. When she "called her" i think as a friend she was trying to maintain neutral until she had more evidence.
ReplyDeleteShe these are the types of questions that R could have easily answered. Why the silence if it only makes you less credible?? Its silly.
ReplyDeleteI think R posted...if not surely she would come out and say that was not me!
ReplyDeleteOK. what I meant was I want to be sure that all that I post is true. And yes. Be sure that Beccah is among us! I am not saying that she is anybody specific, but she is here for sure!
ReplyDeleteI tweeted to Raechel, i will copy and paste what I tweeted to her:
ReplyDeleteleahrichelle02@giftofbreath so you don't believe that the people who donated her money, bought a shirt in her honor, and prayed for her deserve more?
leahrichelle02@giftofbreath I believe the are owed way more of an explanation...if you have more information that is...
I was thinking maybe it wasn't Raechel, but "B" posting the 9:36 update.
ReplyDeleteI thought that post was wierd, especially the "do hospitals provide carseats in these situations" comment.
As callous as it sounds, although I'm not the first to say it, Beccah's past "tragedies" could very well be past lies and tales she has spun. People tend to use this kind of manipulative and attention-seeking behavior on family and friends (as they are the most trusting and likely to believe) long before they are eventually caught in their lies and alienate themselves from those who trusted them. Then when they have no one left, they move on to others with bigger and bolder stories.
ReplyDeleteEither way, it doesn't matter. While any real tragedy may have led her to being the way she is (disturbed), I can say from experience that to a certain extent continuing to be a victim is a choice.
To the degree that her whole "scam" was so calculated (the posting on other sites directing them to hers, the pregnancy pictures, involving Raechel, the t-shirt sales, the doll), I'd say she's more of an opportunistic narcissist, pathological liar and master manipulator vs being just a tortured soul.
Regardless, she needs professional help.
Just my opinion.
WAIT A MINUTE!!! Did Racheal post about the baby being born before she was supposedly born? I remember seeing the post on racheal's site but I didn't pay any attention to the time. Maybe she got a "call" that the baby was born and then it went up on the aprilrose site a little later.
ReplyDeleteOn Monday night Racheal's twitter said that she was talking to B on the phone. Then it said that she was working on an update. Then she said there was an update posted. Maybe Racheal was just playing along w/ B to see how far she was actually going to take. I am sure that Racheal had to have known something was up by Monday night at 9:36.
I HOPE, HOPE, HOPE that Racheal isn't involved.
I have been reading all these comments and just when I have a thought to make a comment about someone else thinks of it first.
this last paragraph, is what makes me think Raechel knew something was up.
6turners, i noticed that but didn't put 2 and 2 together, you are right - she is following all of the people that are baby related. Surely a 19 year old college art student would be more interested in maybe pHotography or art blogs?
ReplyDeleteSo weird.
I spoke with Lori Pacsh this morning and she is blown away by all of this and is trying to wrap her head around the magnitude of it all. I would love for Raechel to just tell everyone how she communicated with "B". That would clear some things up. I have a high regard for Angie and knew she would take this route to address the issues. Harper's mom did a great job of explaining things down to that girl.
ReplyDeletePeople say that the first birth post was timestamped at 2:40, when the "baby" was born at 2:48. They got some comments pretty quickly and the time stamp was changed (which is easy to do on blogger).
Heather - I completely agree!
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ReplyDeleteBy 9:36, the doll picture was already down. Anyone and I mean ANYONE, should have been extremely suspicious by then.
ReplyDeleteI'm a casual observer of these type of blogs, so I kind of watch this stuff unfold like a reality show. And, I think to would I react?
Anything outside of a big (wide) norm, I start to consider a bit suspect.
1) Not having pictures and being anonymous is major. For that reason alone, I did not buy it.
2) I'm 100% ok with home births. Her plan for that was almost laughable.
3) The time line for the pregnancy was way too long. I went 10 days over...but not 3 weeks.
4) Concerning R&R...if it were me and I was 100% scammed, I would explain things in more detail. And, I would explain the 9:36 pm post. That would mean a lot to me.
(My Mom always told me...scammers/thiefs get caught because they get GREEDY)
..yep - and she's an artist.
ReplyDeleteIllinois must be a very "artistic" state :)
was dave ever engaged to beccah?
ReplyDeleteNow she "has to go" , but will "check back in later".....i wonder who she will be when she comes back?
ReplyDeleteI thought they looked very similar when I looked at her picture earlier, now her profile is not available.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking that the pic of acceber was kind of similar to the pic on the seethroughme studios site...hmm...but most of her face is covered with those glasses
ReplyDeletewow. that's totally her!! geesh.
ReplyDeleteDave and Rebecca were in a relationship. I'm not sure of the engagement thing, but they were together for an extended period of time.
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ReplyDeleteno way! are you kidding me????
ReplyDeleteOops...nevermind. I messed up the URL. *blushes*
ReplyDeleteI can still see it. the profile that is
ReplyDeleteactually Illinois is an artistic state being that that is where the Art Institute is located. Just sayin.
ReplyDeleteha! alright :) I stand corrected - but am still skeptical.
ReplyDeletesays Becca's account has been up since 2007
ReplyDeleteis there going to be a new post up about these new developments??
ReplyDeleteThese aren't new developments. Some of us have been calling Raechel out for days.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jenn....what time did Racheal post the "birth announcement" on her own blog?
ReplyDeleteI have stated all I know here in the comments. The rest I am still sorting out. I have to be sure to post things that are truthful and not just speculation.
ReplyDeleteokay-I thought that you said you were posting...sorry! I just can't get over the fact that I believed all of this.....
ReplyDeletehow do you know its a wig?
ReplyDeleteI think Nobody should get blogher ads, then tweet she's people will refresh refresh refresh. And THEN post. :)
ReplyDeleteRaechel has been posting all along.. see these comments from "B's" second post. found here
ReplyDeleteThis is Google's cache of
Raechel said...
re-post - sorry about the slip! I'm still learning! ;) Now you have to take your comment off and we're back in the clear!
Aw, man! I wish I could have been your first comment! ;)
This is great, B. I'm glad you're blogging and jealous that your blog is so cute and together.
Give that baby April a tap for me!
From another Mommy who knows and loves her baby girl,
April 02, 2009
wonder if she knew about the scam of posting all over the web about the site...she appears amazed at soooo many comments in this response to the same post
ReplyDeleteRaechel said...
Girl, these are rolling in like crazy! I can't believe it!
I'm so glad and encouraged. God is taking good care of you and baby April. You are not alone - you are in fact SURROUNDED by TONS of women who are praying and not judging.
Thanks be go God!
April 02, 2009
I just want to know whose baby was dressed in those same clothes and stuck in that strip of pictures along with the doll?
ReplyDeleteThswt cache version was delketed pretty quick! Interesting, did you get a screenshot by chance?
ReplyDeletegood point suzee-just saw that too! can someone tell me how to see the cached version of april rose?
ReplyDeleteholy cow my typing is way off today LOL
ReplyDeletesuzee - I caught that too - maybe acceber has an explanation...
ReplyDeletethere are a few still up but they are getting deleted as soon as they are posted
I thought becca had to go???? now she is back... interesting
ReplyDeleteThe clothes on the doll and the clothes on the baby were not the same. Similar, but not the same.
ReplyDeletethis takes you to what is left...
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure exactly when Raechel posted the birth post on her own blog. I only saw that there were questions about the time stamp on the orginal birth post from "B"'s blog.
I have all the pics posted right here
ReplyDeletethanks-I hope someone has a complete printed hard copy for when this all comes out to the media... and all of this will make the news...
ReplyDeleteBecca is back , but it's not Beccah , because Beccah has an "h" on the end...there's a HUGE difference , sheeeeeesh
ReplyDeletehas raechel responded to any of you? I just have a hard time believing that Angie and Mckmama wouldn't see through Raechel if she was lying to them.....I just wish she would post how she communicated with B.
ReplyDeleteThat wig and the glasses, for your profile pic?!
Just weird.
I swear, I can't stop thinking of "B" as very "Hand That Rocks the Cradle" -esuqe
It says she is from Chicago ,IL
maybe this has been discussed, Beccah was listed as an instructor at an art school by Chicago - Trillium Arts Academy - teaching art classes for children. I found this on google. Also saw it on the troll website. Has this already been discussed?
ReplyDeleteheaher , it's the CHIN that's got me. it's a square , and distinct chin.
ReplyDeleteanyone notice that now Acceber now has a capital "A" and when you click on her screen name it doesn't go to her blog!
ReplyDeletehow do we know it's a wig??
ReplyDeleteThe picture looks very similiar to all the other pictures I've seen on her myspace page, facebook as well as her art webpage. Very suspicious...
ReplyDeleteI thought of another similarity that might show she was getting details from Raechel's blog and MckMama's...was she going to try and pass of April Rose as a miracle baby?? You know, the doctor's told her she wouldn't live, but by some miracle she did...kind of like what happened with Stellan? BTW, I'm not trying to down play the miracle that is Stellan, I just wanted to point out that she might have been trying that...
ReplyDeletewho is sooooo sick that they do something like this and sit on a computer somewhere and get even more satisfaction by posting to these forums. I do hope the authorites catch up with her. I think enough people have reported it.
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ReplyDeletei don't know about it being a wig....but the CHIN , Y'all , check it!
ReplyDeletedid anyone just sense a change in the direction of the wind???
ReplyDeleteWhy isn't raechel trying to clear her name?
ReplyDeletesomeone said yesterday that a relative of Beccah said that she is definitely NOT pregnant. Can anyone confirm this info as a fact?
ReplyDelete6turners-I am with you...if that was me I would be doing a post about the truth.....not staying quiet. I hope they are speaking with someone about all of this.
ReplyDeleteBecca without an "h" twitter cache site...funny how she twitters MCKMamma...
ReplyDeleteshe has a userpic
NEEDTHETRUTH - how do you know enough people have reported it? Did you report it?
ReplyDeleteI think Becca isn't Beccah. Just a coincidence.
ReplyDeleteher sister has a twitter too. not the same people.
Looked on that xanga site someone posted. A few pages in there is some information that makes me think it's not the same becca/h.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Sarah
ReplyDeleteI have been lurking for a couple of days now and finally feel compelled to comment. I have spent the better part of my life as a public figure and that requires a certain transperancy. Remember this is a CHOICE made by Ryan and Raechel. Unfortunately we live in a time where people assume guilty until proven innocent. Is that right, no, but it is true. Raechel and her husband lent a lot of credibility to a blog that I think a lot of us questioned in the pits of our stomachs but truely wanted to believe. I remember a blog where someone came to Beccah's deffense talking about 42 week pregnancies in Europe and due dates being off. Does anyone remember who signed that post, was it Raechel? Maybe they don't have all the answers yet but the silence is deafening! Do Ryan and Raechel "owe" us anything? I don't believe so, however the only thing you have in this world is your credibility and right now that is being questioned, for very good reason. If you don't care enough to answer the questions then I don't care either but understand I have made assumptions. As for the other 2 bloggers, I hate "Christain-ese" it is condesending, annoying and looks bad to those who are not Christians. Words like edifying, counsel of the Lord and image of God all fall into this category. You can't argue any of those words or phrases they are flowery and make you feel good without actually saying anything. Mckmama and Angie certainly don't need to say any more but it could have been done in a much more "real" tone without feeling like a press release. I have done my share of praying for Stellen and that just feels like a brush off, all Angie and Mck did was provide a link to Beccah they have said what needs to be said, not how I would have done it but it was not my decision to make. Raechel and Ryan it is up to you whether or not you clear your name, I will just say it looks really really bad. If you are talking to authorities-say that, if you are waiting on your attorney-say that, if you are still seeking answers you can say that. But the 9:30 post signed by Raechel when there were already dozens of us on this blog and gibsontwins is just fishy.
ReplyDeleteI saw a post on one of the comment threads yesterday, can't remember if it was here, or gibsons, or questions, but someone said they had the entire April Rose blog history in a word document, and she would be happy to email it to anyone. I think her post name started with k, kiana, kelsey, something like that.
ReplyDeletewell put Southern! and now I'm off to DO SOMETHING today! lol..I may be back later.
ReplyDeleteI think by all of this I am learning just how scary it is how much information someone can find out about you and your family and friends so quickly on the internet. Yikes. I hope there's no scammer out there with my same name.
ReplyDeletewell said Southern. I agree completely.
ReplyDeleteOMG you guys are crazy! If you go to becca's Xanga site, you can see posts from her in 2005, clearly a highschooler and there is other personal info (which I'm not going to post because posting other people's personal info on the net without their permission is JACKED UP) and NONE of it leads to her being "B". So unless she has been planning this for the past 4 years, no wait...member since 2004, so FIVE YEARS, then you all need to stop this nonsense of accusing everyone of being "B".
ReplyDeleteTHIS is why this keeps getting called a witch hunt.
word myboysnme. word.
ReplyDeleteI thought posting her blogger profile would calm people down...yeah, the opposite effect..oops! really I'm closing my laptop.
Southern, I agree wholeheartedly!
ReplyDeletesouthern-you are so right! Harpers mom posted about this and she did it in a way that was so down to earth. I really like Angie and expected her to come across the way she did.
ReplyDeleteSouthern - wow ! AMEN !! Thanks for the very intelligent and well articulated comment!! Couldn't agree more - you put into words exactly my feelings on many fronts! Thanks
ReplyDeleteElizabeth, I have her email if you want it.
ReplyDeleteHeather, I would like her email also
ReplyDeleteI'd rather not publicly post it, how should I get it to you?
ReplyDeleteVery well put southern , i could not agree more.
ReplyDeleteI think that i should be doing housework right , i shall tackle that , and check in later guys.
And Ali , seriously...a witch hunt? I would call it a witch hunt if people were trying to track her down physically and burn her at the stake......but this???? this is just a case of people trying to figure out WHO this person is , WHY she did this , WHERE is she now and WHAT is going to be done.
I'm tired of do-gooders doming on here telling people how to think , feel and act in this situation. I don't think that ANYONE here is being threatening , or cruel in ANY way.
i would suggest if people aren't into reading these posts that are "speculating" or "investigating"...then go somewhere else....i mean , why the heck are you even here in the first-place?????? if it's such a "witch hunt" . then why even join it?????
Has anyone thought that there is no young woman at all and that folks have been duped by a con ring? Did anyone actually *meet* this woman?
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ReplyDeletethe person actually exists crone51